Wednesday, 4 January 2017

2017- And the word is FOCUS

2017 -  FOCUS

I plan on making more messes, and my word for the year is 'FOCUS'

-FOCUS on what I can do, instead of what I can't.
-FOCUS on my creative self
-FOCUS on my health

And I am sure as the year goes on I will add more to the list.

So far I have painted many pages for my Journals etc

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Image may contain: flower, plant and outdoor

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Made some Alcohol Inks with, texta inserts, and some acrylic paints - results are as above.

And spent time in my garden setting up a raised garden bed vegetable gardenImage may contain: plant, flower and outdoor

And also tried using vinegar to de-rust some tools.

I just love it when I can do two things at once. Found a heap of tool's that had rusted after the box they had been in got uncovered. So needed to de-rust them and make some rusty material. I even tried some t-shirt material to see how it would take. Now I need to give them a good shake, leave them on the line to dry and then iron them to heat set them. Can't wait to see what they look like. P.S I soaked them in vinegar!
Image may contain: food

All in all a good start to 2017!