Sunday, 28 June 2015

Fun with lace

It has been quite awhile since I  did a post. Moving and falls have kept me busy - or not busy - in the last few months. I am slowly coming back into letting my creative muse have some fun.

I haven't made the time to sit down with my dye book and work out smaller measurements of dye as yet but I wanted to play with lace and the different fabric pencils etc I had so here are the results.

The final picture is of the Paint sticks lace hand washed, the single motif came out well but the lace piece also turned out. It depends on what you are looking for. (for some reason I couldn't type next to the picture this time - go figure ;) )

In all of the trials the lace kept a soft hand which I was pleased about, especially if you want to use the pieces for Crazy Quilting or similar

I hope to try other ways to colour lace and will keep you updated

I hope you enjoyed this post and that it may encourage you to also play with these and other techniques, if you do please let me know how it went