Wednesday 6 March 2019


I hate routines, I really do. But one thing I have learnt over the years is that if I want to achieve anything, I have to follow one. Even if it is a rough one.

2018 started out ok, but things piled on top of each other, I couldn't get myself organised. I had all these things I wanted to do, but because I wasn't organised, didn't focus, didn't have a routine, I didn't achieve as much as I wanted to and I got overwhelmed with family and health problems.

Towards the end of last year things started to settle down and I realized that I was just too unorganized to achieve what I wanted.

So I got my garden redesigned, and mostly finished, having to stop after hurting my back - again. Then I got onto my computer, organizing and resizing embroidery files, not just for me but for selling laces. 

I made a list of things I wanted to do, found designs, chose sizes for different projects and then wrote it out in a rough plan. 

I then went through different ideas and projects I wanted to do and chose what size to do them.  I have no idea why but choosing what size to do a project seems to be a real stumbling block. Now I just look at what it is I want to do and I decide what size would look good.

I now have 'Postcard', A5, Fabric Book, Scrapbook, and My 'Coffee Table Book' as sizes to work on. And these will all be made into Fabric Books.

I also have a set size for the other projects I am involved in. TAST (Take a Stitch Tuesday/ and Beyond), Joyful Embellishing, Kathy Shaw's Crazy Quilt Embellishing. Now I have fabric pages set up and ready to sew out and I don't have to worry about what size.

Such a small thing, but it really makes a difference.
 The front cover of my 'Coffee Table Book'

 Using my own 'rusted fabric' for the cover of my fabric book 'Postcards from Down Under' which just needs to be embroidered and stitched together. Below is the 'Postcard' that will be on the bottom of the 'page'

 This was the inspiration for my 'Postcards' fabric book, the buttons on the right are in the form of the Southern Cross. 

 And below are two of my 'Under The Sea' (UTS) pieces